Semblance. The Face of Things
Jason Larkin

Friday 28th October – Sunday 27th November 2011
Monday to Saturday 9.15am – 5.30pm; Sunday 9.15am - 3.30pm
Hereford Cathedral, Cathedral Close, Hereford, HR1 2NG

‘Our economy is in a state of constant flux, as are the people who work within it, changing direction and learning new skills to survive. The buildings and structures we work in must change too. We need to adapt to the changes around us and in this process we must alter the spaces that we have.

Herefordshire’s economy has changed drastically over the decades, like many counties across England, and with this, the way in which residents utilise their built environment is constantly shifting.

By discovering and photographing these spaces I’m able to weave the past and present of Herefordshire’s economy into each image, highlighting both the fragility of our economy as well as the ability for us to constantly adapt.’
Jason Larkin 2011

Winner of the Open Here 2010 commission.

Jason Larkin is an internationally recognised, award-winning, documentary photographer. Having worked through-out the Middle East and Africa over the last three years for publications including the Financial Times, New York Times and The Guardian, he returned to the UK to work on this important project.


Photograph: Farmhouse, 1802